Video Message from Dr. B

​Hi, I'm Dr. Deborah Bedor, CEO of College Admission Central, author of the Amazon best-seller: Getting IN by Standing OUT, The New Rules for Admission to America's Best Colleges, and trusted partner of The National Leadership Academies. I have some EXTRAORDINARY news for you that WILL change your high school and college careers.

What I'm about to tell you is historic. What I'm about to tell you WILL give you the competitive edge you're looking for.

You can be among the first group of students-ever-to have the extraordinary opportunity to receive your Certification in Advanced Science Research Writing under the auspices of some of the greatest scientists in the world: our Nobel Prize Winners. Thanks to our Nobel Laureates, the Laureate Certification in Advanced Science Research Writing has just launched!

You cannot just buy this credential. You must earn it as well. This self-paced, online course consists of ten comprehensive modules with accompanying quizzes, followed by a final-all eminently do-able, at your own pace. Rest assured, you can retake a module quiz, if the subject matter needs a bit more study time. You can stockpile the modules and complete them all during school breaks, if you choose, OR, take them as they arrive in your inbox, approximately once each week.

When you pass the course you will receive your historic certificate in Advanced Science Research Writing, signed by NOT ONE, BUT TWO Nobel Laureates-one winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics and one winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. This certificate, then, becomes an eminent credential in a high school, undergraduate, and graduate world that now takes credentials very seriously.

Whether you are in 9th through 12th grades, or in college, taking the online course and receiving the Laureate Certification will not only change the course of your college and graduate school admissions, but will also change the course of your career on campus as a young scientist vying for the most competitive science research internships-not to mention the professional career opportunities that will follow.

I WANT TO BE VERY CLEAR ABOUT THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATION. Nobel Laureates will certify that YOU are ACCOMPLISHED in science research writing... Why is this so impressive and profound? Because the Nobel Prize is the topmost honor in the field of science. It IS the most prestigious of awards, and there is no other prize like it in the intellectual realm. In the past 115 years, only 203 individuals in THE WORLD have received the Nobel Prize in Physics and only 211 individuals IN THE WORLD have received the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology. As a young graduate of this course, YOU WILL BE IN ESTEEMED COMPANY AND VIEWED BY ADMISSIONS AND EMPLOYERS IN A DIFFERENT LIGHT.

The Nobel Laureates expect that, among the graduates of this course, some may follow in their footsteps. Now is the time for YOU to begin that exceptional intellectual journey in STEM by becoming certified in advanced science research writing. Click the ENROLL NOW button below and join a very select group of students who WILL stand out from all other students, gain admission to selective schools, and obtain coveted research positions.

Do it now, while enrollment remains open. Don't miss this historic, singular opportunity.

Hi, I'm Dr. Deborah Bedor, CEO of College Admission Central, author of the Amazon best-seller: Getting IN by Standing OUT, The New Rules for Admission to America's Best Colleges, and trusted partner of The National Leadership Academies. I have some EXTRAORDINARY news for you that WILL change your high school and college careers.

What I'm about to tell you is historic. What I'm about to tell you WILL give you the competitive edge you're looking for.

You can be among the first group of students-ever-to have the extraordinary opportunity to receive your Certification in Advanced Science Research Writing under the auspices of some of the greatest scientists in the world: our Nobel Prize Winners. Thanks to our Nobel Laureates, the Laureate Certification in Advanced Science Research Writing has just launched!

You cannot just buy this credential. You must earn it as well. This self-paced, online course consists of ten comprehensive modules with accompanying quizzes, followed by a final-all eminently do-able, at your own pace. Rest assured, you can retake a module quiz, if the subject matter needs a bit more study time. You can stockpile the modules and complete them all during school breaks, if you choose, OR, take them as they arrive in your inbox, approximately once each week.

When you pass the course you will receive your historic certificate in Advanced Science Research Writing, signed by NOT ONE, BUT TWO Nobel Laureates-one winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics and one winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. This certificate, then, becomes an eminent credential in a high school, undergraduate, and graduate world that now takes credentials very seriously.

Whether you are in 9th through 12th grades, or in college, taking the online course and receiving the Laureate Certification will not only change the course of your college and graduate school admissions, but will also change the course of your career on campus as a young scientist vying for the most competitive science research internships-not to mention the professional career opportunities that will follow.

I WANT TO BE VERY CLEAR ABOUT THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATION. Nobel Laureates will certify that YOU are ACCOMPLISHED in science research writing... Why is this so impressive and profound? Because the Nobel Prize is the topmost honor in the field of science. It IS the most prestigious of awards, and there is no other prize like it in the intellectual realm. In the past 115 years, only 203 individuals in THE WORLD have received the Nobel Prize in Physics and only 211 individuals IN THE WORLD have received the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology. As a young graduate of this course, YOU WILL BE IN ESTEEMED COMPANY AND VIEWED BY ADMISSIONS AND EMPLOYERS IN A DIFFERENT LIGHT.

The Nobel Laureates expect that, among the graduates of this course, some may follow in their footsteps. Now is the time for YOU to begin that exceptional intellectual journey in STEM by becoming certified in advanced science research writing. Click the ENROLL NOW button below and join a very select group of students who WILL stand out from all other students, gain admission to selective schools, and obtain coveted research positions.

Do it now, while enrollment remains open. Don't miss this historic, singular opportunity.
